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PCLG Ministry Fellows 2025


Now taking applications for Summer 2025!


Over the last several Summers, PCLG has developed a new opportunity for young leaders called the PCLG Ministry Fellows. The Fellows program is designed as an intentional spiritual and leadership development experience for some college age folks in our church. This is a chance for them to grow deeper in their faith, to learn about leadership within a church context, and to develop their skills for wherever God will lead them. At the same time, this will be a blessing for our church, as we will learn from them and benefit from their energy, ideas and gifts.


Our two Ministry Fellows last Summer participated in the life of the church in a variety of ways, even in a weird pandemic Summer. In 2023, we seek to do this again with a new crop of creative, talented individuals.


As part of the Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos’ vision to empower younger people into new avenues of leadership and faith, the PCLG Ministry Fellows Program seeks to give young people who have already demonstrated leadership aptitude in church life the opportunity to expand their ministry experience and responsibility. The Fellows program is conceived as a team effort in supporting the mission, worship, youth, children’s and community life ministries of PCLG. Church leadership staff will engage Fellows in reflection time as well as supervise their ministry responsibilities & contributions. Ministry Fellows are paid, part-time positions.

Each week this summer, the Fellows will meet with one of our church staff members (Pastor Erica, Pastor Dave, Steve Fainer or Carlo Panighetti) for reflection and sharing about a variety of ministry themes.  Some of our topics will include hospitality, listening, lament, vocation and more. The Fellows will be leading in a variety of ways this summer, including worship, youth and children’s ministries, visitation and whatever else might be safe in our still indeterminate future.


The application can be accessed here. Completed applications are due by March 1. Any questions can be directed to Carlo Panighetti.


PCLG is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in the U.S., and part of the Reformed tradition. We are welcoming and affirming of all people who wish to join us as we gather in God’s name every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. both in person in our Sanctuary, and online on Facebook and Youtube. If you haven’t been to our church before, you’ll find a welcome table in front of the sanctuary where you can get a name tag and ask any questions you may have. As you walk through our doors, be prepared to receive a smile and a handshake!




16575 Shannon Rd.

Los Gatos, Ca. 95035



Thanks for submitting!

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